For Professionals

Your understanding of the materials you use in bone grafting is far more important than you think.

The survival of a dental implant and the health of the bone it is placed in is entirely dependent on the bone graft. It is therefore imperative that clinicians are aware of the effects that different bone graft materials have on the quality of bone they produce.

Browse through our Articles, CE Courses, and Products to begin modernizing your practice and become a more science-literate clinician:

Read through these articles to educate yourself on bone biology, the science involved in bone grafting, and useful techniques in dental implantology.

Our CE Courses are a distillation of the knowledge we have gained over 20 years of full time study and research. These videos can be watched at your own pace.

Browse our product descriptions to see indications, directions for use, storage requirements, product-specific techniques, and cases before ordering.

Too many dentists trivialize bone grafts because they simply do not know what is actually happening in the bone at the microanatomical level. The shocking lack of education in bone biology and bone graft biology in dental school has left our profession with scores of clinicians absorbing and reciting misinformation about the bone graft materials they are presently using. 

Our profession strongly promotes evidence-based dentistry. Yet, the most commonly used bone graft material in the United States is allograft, which has persisted through an echo chamber of claims not supported in the scientific literature. Cadaver bone grafts are a 50 year old technology and science has significantly surpassed this material in all aspects.

The better informed we are as a dental community,

the better we can truly serve our patients.


American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR)

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS)

American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID)